Figurative Art

Lisa Lichtenfels
April 13, 2009, 4:53 pm
Filed under: Mixed Media | Tags: , , , , ,


From her early beginnings at Walt Disney Studios where she developed three dimensional figurines with posable skeletons and nylon stocking skins, until now, 25 years later, Lisa has explored the human figure.

Her amazing ability to create stunningly life like figures from nylon, foam, wire and fiberfill is truly remarkable. From the lawless skin of youth to the character found in the wrinkles of age, Lisa is able to make us believe. See more of her fabulous work on her website.


Lisa states, “Today I create the illusion of flesh by mimicking nature — basically using materials that feel and behave like what they represent. “Bones” are made with wire shaped by heavy felt, “muscles,” simulated by batting, are attached to the bones in the correct anatomical way, and this all makes a perfect frame for the fiberfill and nylon that beautifully simulates skin. This inside-out construction allows for refinement over time — the more I understand, the more I can incorporate. Forinstance, about 7 years ago, an improved pelvis design revolutionized my ability to do nudes.”


This portrait of a woman on a camel is another example of Lisa’s ability to draw you into her sculptures.